DIY Knowledge

Circular saws


Sierras circulares

Scies circulaires

Circular saws are the most frequently used power tools in woodworking. They are categorised according to their drive motor, the type of depth control they use, their cutting depth and power input.

Depth adjustment method

parallel adjustment
The saw blade is repositioned up and down on one or two columns vertical to the base plate. The rip fence does not change its position in relation to the saw blade. Rather complex method, but accurate and reliable.

pivoting adjustment
The saw blade moves around a pivot in front of the saw blade and swings away from the footplate. The rip fence does not change its position in relation to the saw blade. Conventional design.

The saw blade moves as in the case of pivoting adjustment, however the rip fence follows the motion of the saw blade. This makes pocket or plunge cuts (cut starts in the centre of the workpiece surface) possible. For special applications.

Cutting depth

Cutting depth, measured as the maximum projection of the saw blade from the footplate. Common in Europe.

The cutting depth is often specified as the diameter of the saw blade. Often used in Anglo-American countries. The saw blade diameter here is stated in inches. The cutting depth lies between 42 and 132 mm. The most popular depths are 55 and 65 mm. The maximum cutting depth of do-it-yourself machines is 70mm.

Power rating

The power rating depends on the cutting depth. In the professional range it lies between 800 and 2300 watt, in the DIY sector between 500 and 1400 watt.

A great variety of accessories and guides is available to extend the application range and improve the cutting precision. The quality of the cut and the feed rate depend largely on the saw blade teeth.