Lexicon DIY-Knowledge



Soldadura, metal de

Etain à souder, métaux d'apport de brasage

Solder is an easily fusible bonding metal which in its molten state is used to join metal parts during soldering. The following types of solder are available:

Light solder joints

These include metals whose composition is chosen to produce a melting point at very low temperatures. Wood?s solder at 68 °C

Rose solder at 94 °C.

Soft solder in accordance with DIN 1707

Soft solders are lead-tin compounds with melting points between 180°C and 390°C.

Hard and high-temperature solders in

accordance with DIN 8513

Aluminium-based solders with melting temperatures between 575 and 615°C. Silver fillers for brazing have melting temperatures of 595 -860 °C.

Copper and nickel based solders

can be used at temperatures between 710 -1150 °C.