The term ergonomics was coined in the 1950's and meant simple, safe and easier working. Precondition is knowledge and understanding of the working environment of the tool operator in order to adjust machines and equipment to the needs and motions of the human body.
The way to the ergonomic handle bar
Round handle cross-section: does not
match the natural form of the closed
Unsafe machine handling.
The handle turns too easily in the hand.
Triangular handle: the handle is too wide.
Obstructs the grip.
The corners of the handle press into the
hand. (arrows)
Almost oval handle: directional
work (arrows) with ideal form fit and
frictional engagement.
The result of the close co-operation between
designers and engineers. Rotary
hammers of comparable power output
have become lighter through the years.
1932: the first electric rotary hammer
in the world. Weight 9.5 kg.
1977: the first electric
3-kg rotary hammer in the world.
1987: The first electropneumatic hammer
under 2 kg in the world.